All About Chinese dog breed- Dogs from China

by filzamunir

Introduction to Chinese dog breeds

So you’re thinking about getting a dog, and you’re considering a Chinese breed. But what do you really know about these dogs? Here’s a quick primer on everything from their history to their temperament. (And no, we’re not just talking about the Shar-Pei.)

Read on to learn about Chinese dogs before making your final decision. Trust us; it’s essential knowledge for any would-be dog owner!

21 breeds of Chinese dog

Check out some of the amazing breeds from the Middle Kingdom, from tiny to Mastiff; there’s a Chinese breed of dog to suit every taste.

Here are 21 of our favorites.

Chinese Chongqing

Chongqing is a Chinese dog breed known for being loyal and obedient. They are also known for being good watchdogs, as they bark to alert their owners of anything out of the ordinary.

Chongqing dogs are medium-sized, with a short coat typically black or brown. They originated in Chongqing, which is located in Southwestern China.

Today, they are widely kept as pets across China and other parts of Asia. If you are looking for a Chinese dog breed that is both loyal and obedient, then the Chongqing may be the perfect breed for you.

The Chinese Chongqing dog is one of the rarest dog breeds in China.

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Chinese Crested dogs

The Chinese Crested dog is a small, elegant dog breed cherished by Chinese royalty for centuries. The Chinese Crested dog is a small, hairless breed of dog.

The breed is known for its unique appearance and is divided into two varieties: the Powderpuff and the Hairless. Powderpuff is covered in a soft, downy fur, while Hairless Chinese Crested has no fur.

The Chinese Crested is treasured as a companion animal and recognized by several kennel clubs worldwide. Though it is not well suited for life in the cold weather, the Chinese Crested is an affectionate and playful breed that makes an excellent pet for families with children.

The Chinese Crested dog is a bald Chinese breed with hair in only three areas.

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Chinese Imperialist

The Chinese Imperial is a breed of dog once favored by the ruling class of China. These elegant dogs were used for hunting and guarding, and their regal appearance made them popular status symbols.

However, the Chinese Imperial is now a rare breed due largely to the decline of the Chinese empire. While their exact origins are unknown, it is believed that the Chinese Imperial is a descendant of the Pekingese and the Shih Tzu.

These miniature dogs typically stand no more than 12 inches tall at the shoulder, and their coats can be either black, blue, or red. Today, the Chinese Imperial is still prized for its noble bearing and loving nature.

Unfortunately, due to their rarity, these dogs can be quite expensive. But for those lucky enough to own one, the Chinese Imperial is a true treasure.shih-tzu-running-on-grass-Image Credit- Getty Images

Chinese Shar-Pei/ Bone mouth

The Chinese Shar-Pei is a dog breed that originates from China. The breed is known for its distinctive features, including its wrinkled skin and blue-black tongue.

The Shar-Pei is also considered one of the most ancient dog breeds, with a history dating back to the Han Dynasty.

Today, the Shar-Pei is a popular pet known for its loyalty and intelligence. However, the breed can also be stubborn and independent, making it important for potential owners to do their research before choosing a Shar-Pei as a pet.

The Chinese Shar-Pei is a unique and intriguing breed with a lot to offer potential owners.

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Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is a Chinese dog breed known for its distinctively plush coat. The Chow Chow is a member of the Spitz family and is easily recognizable by its thick fur coat and distinctive lion-like mane.

Though the breed has a long history, it was only introduced to the West in the 19th century. Chow Chows are prized for their independent nature and loyalty to their families.

They are among the few dog breeds that come in a blue-black coat, which is often considered very beautiful.

Chow Chows typically live for 10-12 years and are relatively low-maintenance dogs, making them a popular choice for busy families. Though they can be aloof with strangers, Chow Chows are devoted and loving companions.

The Chow Chow is probably the least intelligent dog breed from China.

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Chuandong Hound

The Chuandong Hound is a Chinese dog breed known for being loyal and intelligent.

The breed is believed to be descended from the Tibetan Mastiff and shares many of the same characteristics, including a strong hunting instinct and a loyal nature.

However, it is smaller than the Mastiff, making it more suitable for life as a pet. The breed is also known for its friendly disposition, and it is often said that the it is as much a companion as a hunting dog.

However, there is one thing that this breed is not known for, and that is its ability to withstand cold weather. They are notoriously sensitive to the cold and should never be left outside in freezing temperatures.

This is because their thin coat provides little insulation, and their short legs make it difficult for them to keep warm. As a result, Chuandong Hounds must be kept indoors during the winter months.

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Formosan Mountain Dog (Taiwan Dogs)

The Formosan Mountain Dog is a breed of dog native to Taiwan. Also known as the Taiwan Dog or Taiwanese Dog, this breed is one of the many Chinese dog breeds that have been greatly influenced by the climate and terrain of their homeland.

The Formosan is a large breed, with males standing up to 30 inches tall at the shoulder and females reaching 27 inches in height. They are strongly built, with muscular legs and a broad chest.

The coat of the Formosan is dense and weather-resistant, with a thick undercoat that helps to keep them warm in cold weather.

They are intelligent and loyal dogs and make excellent guard dogs. However, they can also be headstrong and stubborn and may not be suitable for first-time dog owners.

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Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a small dog breed with a big heart. Though they were originally bred in China, these dainty dogs have been beloved companions in Japan for centuries.

Japanese Chin are still prized for their affectionate nature and charming personality. Japanese Chin is known for being devoted to their owners and forming strong bonds. They are also intelligent and trainable, though they can be stubborn at times.

Though they are generally good with children and other pets, Japanese Chin can be reserved around strangers. But with a little patience and socialization, they will warm up to new people in no time.

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Kunming dog

Chinese dog breeds have been prized for their loyalty, strength, and intelligence for centuries. And of all the Chinese dog breeds, none is more revered than the Kunming Dog.

Hailing from the city of Kunming in southwestern China, the Kunming Dog is a medium-sized breed with a thick coat of fur ranging in color from black to brown to tan.

The breed is known for its courage and ferocity, and the Chinese military once used it to guard important compounds and temples.

Kunming dogs are loyal and obedient, and they make great guard dogs. They are also intelligent and learn quickly. However, Kunming dogs can be aggressive and must be properly trained. Kunming dogs are not the best choice for families with small children.

The Kunming Wolfdog is like the Chinese cousin of the German Shepherd.

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Laizhou Hong

Laizhou Hong is one of the most popular Chinese dog breeds. The breed gets its name from the city of Laizhou in China’s Shandong province, where it is thought to have originated.

Laizhou Hongs are medium-sized dogs with strong build. They have a thick double coat, either black or brown, and a face often described as “foxlike.”

Despite their Chinese heritage, Laizhou Hongs are not particularly well-known outside their home country. However, they are considered one of the most popular Chinese dog breeds in China.

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Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is a perfect choice if you’re looking for an ancient dog breed that is sure to turn heads.

Originally bred in Tibet, Tibetan monks prized these dogs for their ability to serve as watchdogs. Today, they’re still revered for their loyalty and affectionate nature. The Lhasa Apso is a small dog, typically weighing 10 and 15 pounds.

They have a long coat of hair in various colors, including black, white, brown and cream. While they may look like delicate lap dogs, the Lhasa Apso is quite hardy and can live for up to 16 years.

The Lhasa Apso is an independent, loyal and reserved breed that does not require a lot of exercise. However, they need regular brushing and grooming to prevent matting and tangling of their coat. Although they are not overly energetic, they require mental stimulation through training or puzzle toys.

If you’re looking for an ancient breed with a personality to spare, the Lhasa Apso is the perfect breed for you.

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Manchurian Hairless Dog

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The ancient Chinese were known for many things: their advanced systems of writing and mathematics, their rich tradition of philosophy, and their unique cuisine. But did you know that they also bred a special hairless dog?

The Manchurian Hairless Dog is a rare breed that is thought to have originated in the region of Manchuria, in northeastern China.

The Chinese prized these dogs for their unusual appearance and supposedly magical ability to heal sickness and ward off evil spirits. Today, the Manchurian Hairless Dog is still considered a symbol of good luck in some parts of China.

What exactly makes Manchurian hairless dogs so special? For starters, they’re one of the few hairless dog breeds worldwide. This makes them stand out from other dogs, and it also means they don’t shed as much.

They’re also known for being relatively low-maintenance when it comes to grooming. In addition, Manchurian hairless dogs are intelligent and trainable. They make great companions for active people who enjoy spending time outdoors.


The Pekingese is a small breed of dog originally bred in China. The Pekingese is a Toy Group member and known for its long coat of fur and flat face. Pekingese is one of the ancient Chinese dog breeds, and Chinese emperors have favored them for centuries.

These dogs are small but sturdy, with a long coat that comes in various colors. Pekingese are known for their independent nature and can be stubborn sometimes. However, they are also very affectionate and loyal to their families.

While they make excellent companion animals, they do require some special care. Their long coats need to be brushed regularly, and they may need to be trimmed to prevent matting. In addition, Pekingese are susceptible to several health problems, so it is important to work with a reputable breeder to ensure that you are getting a healthy dog. But if you are looking for a loving and devoted companion, a Pekingese may be the perfect choice.

The Pekingese is associated with Chinese royalty and is easily the most popular dog in China.

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The Pug is a breed of dog with a wrinkly, short-muzzled face and curled tail. The head is large and spherical, and the eyes are big, dark, and round. Pugs were brought from China to Europe in the 16th century.

A pug’s facial wrinkles are thought to be an adaptation to Harvard, the situation that ancient Chinese dogs had. This can be seen in ancient Chinese artworks.

Pugs have been described as “shadows of ancient Chinese buns. Buns were made to look like human infants so people would be reluctant to eat them.” Pugs were also kept as lap dogs by Buddhist monks in Tibet. Pugs are among the oldest dog breeds known today. Their origin is unknown, but they are believed to be descendants of ancient Tibetan mastiff-type dogs.

Today, they may not be quite as revered as they once were, but pugs still make excellent pets. They may not be the most graceful or athletic dogs, but they make up for it in personality.

Pugs are known for being funny and good-natured, and they will always be happy to snuggle up with their favorite person. So if you’re looking for a lovable companion with a bit of unusual history, a pug might be the perfect dog.

The Pug is the most surprising Chinese dog breed that no one knew was from China.

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Shaanxi Xianhound

The Shaanxi Xianhound is an ancient Chinese dog breed known for its loyalty and bravery. The Chinese military once used these dogs to help protect the country’s borders.

Although they are not as widely known as some Chinese dog breeds, the Shaanxi Xianhound is a distinct and ancient breed with a long history.

It is a medium-sized dog with a short coat that can be either black or brindle. These dogs are known for their loyalty and affection toward their owners, and they make great family pets.

However, they can also be independent and stubborn, so training is essential. If you’re looking for an ancient Chinese breed that is both loyal and affectionate, the Shaanxi Xianhound is a great choice.

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Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is an ancient Chinese dog breed originally developed for companionship. However, they are just as likely to be found in the show ring as in the living room.

Despite their regal appearance, Shih Tzus are quite playful and enjoy spending time with their human companions. They are also known for being very affectionate, which makes them excellent family pets. Despite its small size, Shih Tzu is quite a sturdy dog.

However, because of its small size, Shih Tzu requires special care. For example, they need to be brushed regularly to prevent mats from forming in their long, silky fur. But for those willing to put in the effort, a Shih Tzu can make a loving and loyal companion.

So, if you’re looking for a loving and loyal companion, a Shih Tzu might be the perfect dog.

The Shih Tzu is one of the best lap dogs of all the Chinese breeds.

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Tibetan kyi apso

The Tibetan Kyi Apso is a breed of dog believed to have originated in Tibet. The breed is recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club).

The Tibetan Kyi Apso is a large breed of dog, with males reaching up to 30 inches in height and females reaching up to 28 inches. The breed is also relatively rare, with only a handful of breeders in North America.

Despite their size and rarity, Tibetan Kyi Apsos are gentle giants that make great companion animals. They are also highly intelligent and easily trained. The Tibetan Kyi Apso may be the perfect breed for you if you are looking for a unique and loyal companion.

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Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a loyal and protective dog breed from the mountainous regions of Tibet. These dogs were originally bred to guard homes and livestock against predators such as wolves, leopards, and bears.

Today, they are still prized for their watchdog abilities and make excellent companion animals. Tibetan Mastiffs are large dogs, with males weighing up to 160 pounds. They have thick coats that can be either black, brown, or red.

These dogs are notoriously independent and stubborn, which can make training them a challenge. However, they can be taught basic obedience commands with patience and consistency.

Tibetan Mastiffs are not suited for everyone, but those willing to put in the effort will find them loving and devoted pets.

The Tibetan Mastiff is by far the most expensive dog breed from China.

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Tibetan spaniel

The Tibetan spaniel is a small dog with a big personality. Originally from China, Tibetan monks prized these dogs for their ability to serve as watchdogs in the monastery. Today, they are popular companion animals all over the world. Though they may be small, Tibetan spaniels are fearless and confident dogs.

They are also very intelligent, and they love to learn new tricks. In addition to being excellent companions, Tibetan spaniels also make great therapy dogs.

Their calm demeanor and loving nature make them ideal candidates for visiting hospitals and nursing homes. Some people might even say they’re a bit stubborn! But if you’re patient and provide plenty of love and attention, your Tibetan spaniel will be a devoted and loyal companion. Just be prepared for some interesting conversations; these dogs are known for their love of vocalizing!

The Tibetan Spaniel has been known to work in tandem with the Tibetan Mastiff.

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Tibetan terrier

The Tibetan terrier is a breed of dog that originates from the Tibetan Plateau in China. The breed is named after the region where they were originally bred, and they are one of the oldest breeds of dogs.

Tibetan terriers are medium-sized dogs with thick fur coats that protect them from cold weather. They are also known for being very friendly and good with children. Tibetan terriers make great family pets and are also used as working dogs in many professions.

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Xiasi Quan

Xiasi Quan (pronounced sha-see chwan) is a Chinese dog breed known for its loyalty and courage. The breed is also sometimes called the Chinese Shar-Pei, although this is technically a different breed.

There’s something about Chinese dogs that just makes them so darn cute. Perhaps it’s their big ears or their curious eyes. Whatever the reason, Chinese dogs have a certain je ne sais quoi that is simply irresistible. And Xiasi Quan is no exception.

This Chinese breed is known for being intelligent and trainable, making them ideal pets for families with children. They are also relatively low-maintenance, which is always a bonus. Dogs as pets in China

In China, dogs are not only considered pets but are also seen as a symbol of good luck. The Chinese year of the dog is said to bring good fortune, and as a result, many people choose to adopt a dog during this time. In China,

Dogs are bred for many different purposes in China. Some breeds were developed for hunting, while others were bred as companion animals. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of keeping dogs as pets. This is partly because more people live in urban areas, and dogs can make good companions in small apartments.

There are various Chinese dog breeds, including the Shiba Inu, Chow Chow, and Pekingese. Each breed has its unique appearance and personality, so it’s important to research before choosing a dog. Regardless of which breed you choose, owning a dog can be a rewarding experience.

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The fascinating history of Chinese dog breeds

China has a long history of domesticated dogs, with evidence of dogs dating back over 12,000 years. In ancient China, dogs were used for hunting, herding, and guarding animals.

Over time, different regions of China developed their distinct breeds of dogs, each with unique characteristics. For example, the Foo Dog is a popular Chinese breed originally used as a guardian of temples and homes. Foo Dogs are still considered good luck symbols and are often kept as pets.

Another popular Chinese breed is the Shar-Pei, known for its distinctive wrinkles and blue-black tongue. Originally bred for fighting, Shar-Peis are now gentle companions loyal and protective of their family.

With such a long history, it’s no surprise that China is home to some of the fascinating dog breeds in the world.


What is the sacred dog of China?

The Sacred Dog of China is the Chinese Shar-Pei. They were once bred exclusively by the royal family and were used as hunting dogs. Today, they are known for their wrinkled skin and gentle temperament.

What is the most expensive dog?

The most expensive dog is the Tibetan Mastiff, which can cost up to $2 million.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a large and powerful dog originally bred in Tibet as a working dog. Today, they are often used as guard dogs, and their price tag reflects their rare and unique characteristics.

Other expensive breeds of dogs include the Samoyed, the Rottweiler, and the Australian Shepherd.


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